VIRAL HOPE is an outreach program initiative, which is located at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical College. The organization collects unused antiretroviral medications to support the care of people in Nigeria who are HIV positive.

BUDDHIST CONVENTION. World Peace ambassador and spiritual Master Jun Hong Lu to 10 million Chinese worldwide - spoke to spellbound disciples with energy and compassion at Madison Square Garden, NYC.

CHICAGO OLYMPIC BID. President Obama tapped world-renowned photographer Sandro to organize a team to capture images of Chicago natives and the 'love of sport' as a backdrop during his presentation to the Olympic Committee to host the games in Chicago. (I was fortunate to be apart of the team.)

MOVING MOUNTAINS. A non-profit program that helps the helpless. Fundraisers are held throughout the year, each one focuses on a single individual in need. "Doctors gave me 3 months to live...but God gave me 23 years" - Richard